As a manager and as a consultant, I have worked in a long-term projects with Banks and in other industries, helping them in their transformation.
Organizations can be places of extraordinary beauty, where products and/or services are made so as customers are happy to buy, where teams are more than their own jobs, where people have the opportunity to realize their talents…
Or they can’t.
Indeed, i enjoy working to improve organizations, believing that people are always essential to business and are the starting and ending point of all innovation.
I signed with Marina Capizzi:
- The preface to the Italian edition “Right Kind of Wrong” (in Italian “Il Giusto Errore”), A. Edmondson, Egea, 2024. Through scientific evidence and stories from different worlds -from pop culture to business- Amy Edmondson explains how to replace the shame and guilt associated with failure with a passion for vulnerability, curiosity, and personal growth.
- The preface to the Italian edition of “Sense&Respond”, J. Gothelf and J. Seiden, Harvard Business Review Press, gueriniNEXT, 2018. In your opinion, does the “planning&control” approach create a lot of frustration for you? It’s ok, don’t worry. This feeling belongs to a past era of humanity. So, this could be the alternative for continuously learning from the future.
- The preface to “The Fearless Organizations” (in Italian “Organizzazioni senza Paura”), A. Edmondson, FrancoAngeli, 2020. What do organizations need to achieve outperformance? High standards and psychological safety! With this book, the costs that usually organisations pay because of fear finally become a topic for strategic thinking and operational actions.
- “Non Morire di Riunioni“, FrancoAngeli, 2020 – “Surviving Meetings”, FrancoAngeli, 2022. Are you tired of meetings as they happen, and the way of working that fuels them? Do you care about your own health and the health of your business? In this case, this book is for you! There is a new method, TheMeetingCircle, that derives from neuroscience, and it illustrates new organizational approaches, and our direct experience in the field.
The articles of Tiziano Capelli
Di meeting in meeting, l’azienda si spegne – Vita da Manager
Fonte: Economy Magazine (cartaceo mensile),...
Di Meeting in meeting l’azienda si spegne – Vita da Manager
Non morire di riunioni. Un metodo efficace per organizzare smart meeting che fanno bene alle persone e al business
M. Capizzi, T. Capelli, Franco Angeli, 2020. Ti...
Organizzazioni senza paura. Creare sicurezza psicologica sul lavoro per imparare, innovare, crescere
A. C. Edmondson, Franco Angeli, 2020 (Prefazione...
Sense & Respond
(A cura di M. Capizzi e T. Capelli), J. Gothelf,...
L’ascolto è il respiro dell’organizzazione
Tiziano Capelli, DiPiUinternational, N.3 - 2018....
La svolta Teal dietro l’angolo
L’Impresa, N°2 - 2017, Gruppo24ore. Come portare...